CareLineLive achieves the PRSB Personalised Care and Support Plan Standard and About Me Standard
CareLineLive, the all-in-one home care management software company, announces that it has achieved two PRSB (Professional Record Standards Body) standards - the Personalised Care and Support Plan Standard and the About Me Standard.
CareLineLive achieved Level 3 – the highest possible – for both standards and in fact is the first organisation ever to achieve Level 3 for the Personalised Care and Support Plan standard. Not only this, it achieved conformance with its first attempt.
The PRSB exists to create standards and improve the safety and quality of health and social care. They ensure that the right information is recorded correctly and can be accessed easily.
CareLineLive initially joined the PRSB in 2023 looking to learn how to make it’s solution interoperable with other health and social care digital platforms, so as to empower health and care professionals in providing personalised care. This followed CareLineLive’s assured status as a NHSx Assured Suppliers of Digital Social Care Records (DSCR).
About Me information is the most important details that a person wants to share with professionals in health and social care. This information might include how best to communicate with the person, how to help them feel at ease or details about how they like to take their medication. This information is already held in CareLineLive’s secure software, and now will be available in a PRSB accredited format for sharing with other health professionals.
Personalised care planning standards help to enable people to manage their own care, with the support of a wide range of services including GPs, hospitals, occupational therapy and social care. This new standard is helping citizens and health and care professionals get the right information when they need it, in order to personalise care, and improve the experience for the patient, their carer and their families.
CareLineLive already had a comprehensive suite of appraisals and assessments built into the software platform which were designed to capture the pertinent information of service users. By implementing the Personalised Care and Support Plan Standard and the About Me Standard, the organisation hopes to further enhance these capabilities whilst aligning itself with industry best practices.
CareLineLive’s Managing Director, Josh Hough said “Now we are confident that our customers can generate the most comprehensive care planning workflows yet, enabling them to deliver the best quality of care. We always aim to deliver the best possible solution to our customers, making their lives easier and facilitating their workflows. The benefits of partnering with the PRSB are that we are now able to offer an elevated suite of functionality and our customers can have confidence that our care planning capabilities are of industry standard.
CareLineLive is one of the few homecare management software providers to have this level of PRSB accreditation along with having met standards such as Cyber Essentials Plus, ISO 9001, ISO 27001 as well as being a Digital Social Care Records assured supplier. These standards represent a huge amount of work for our team but as importantly, provide a high degree of assurance for customers whether from the public sector or a private home care provider.”
Product Manager, Sean Orrell said “We are very pleased to achieve Level 3 conformance at the first attempt, something which I think has not been achieved before. We are proud to be able to provide our customers with the best possible care planning functionality, which ultimately leads to delivering the best quality of care possible. We look forward to seeing how our customers interact with these new capabilities and how this will drive care delivery”.