Dementia Carers Count
Hall: N7 - N10 Stand: M49
- | Business Services
- | Care Providers
- | Dementia
- | Health & Wellbeing
- | Technology (for care providers)
- | Technology (for use in care or nursing home)
Dementia Carers Count is working for a world where carers are no longer invisible but feel valued, supported, and heard.
We provide specialist advice and consultancy support to care professionals and personalised support services to dementia carers. We’re here to make sure carers get the right information and support as soon as they want it, and for as long as they need it.
Our expertise is in supporting the person caring for someone with dementia. We support people across the UK, and we know that demand is growing.
We are here to help.
Canopi7-14 Great Dover Street
United Kingdom